
Kilian Martin: A Skate Escalation

Kilian Martin: A Skate Escalation

Not long ago, I watched Lords of Dogtown (2005) for the first time. The film about skate legends Stacy Peralta, Tony Alva, and Ray Adams gave me a new appreciation for the sport. Skating, but more specifically skateboarding is truly an art; watching the moves and the precision is so beautiful. Directed by Brett Novak, this short film gets me really excited, and seriously wishing to be there to witness skater Killian Martin in action.
As a sidenote: I just discovered Novak also directed videos for Ego - Beyonce (feat. Kanye West), Lollipop - Lil' Wayne, and Mercy - Duffy... his website is pretty legit too, it's worth checking out.

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